data and information

1. Distinguish between data and information
Ans: Data is raw facts and figures
E.g. Vishnu, 18, M, 78.9 etc
Information: Meaningful data is known as Information or
Processed data is also known as information
E.g. Vishnu is 18 years old boy and he got 78.9% of marks in his 10th exam.
Q.2.Define Data Processing.
Ans: Data Processing is a group of activities like
1. Collecting the Data
2. Sorting the Data
3. Relating the data
4. Interpreting the data
5. Computing the data
To make meaningful information.
E.g. The activities related to make a progress report.
Q.3. Distinguish between Scientific data Processing and Commercial data Processing
Ans: Scientific data Processing
Data processing involves a relatively small amount of input data, resulting in a small volume of output.
Commercial data Processing
Data processing involves a relatively large amount of input data, resulting in a large volume of output.
Q.4. Define a Computer
Ans: Computer is an electronic machine, which can perform a variety
of tasks in accordance with a set of instructions called programs.
2nd Part
Q.1 Why do we need information?
Ans: Information motivates human actions and contribute effective decision making.
Q.2. What are the Qualities of information?
2. Meaningfulness
3. Precision
4. Accuracy


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