1. Table serves as a convenient way to organize elements on
the page without making them appear within the page without the confines of an actual table.
begins a table definition and
ends .
Tables are created without borders, that is the horizontal
And vertical lines separating the cells will not appear by default.
and are used to create a row of the table.
4. The table data tags
and are used to specify the contents of a cell.
and are used to create cells in the same way
as the table data tags, except that the text in the cells will
be bold and centered
6. The caption tags
and tags allows for the creation of a caption for a table.
7. Frames divides browser window into smaller, separately
Scrollable windows each capable of displaying a different
.HTML page.
8. Creation of frames in a browser window is done in two steps:
1. Splitting the browser window into frames using
2. Loading frames with different HTML documents
Using tag.
9. The browser window is split into frames using a container
Tag tag.
10. is an empty tag which accept the name of the
HTML ,document to be displayed in a frame.
11. tag is typically used in a Frameset
document to provide alternate content for browsers that do not support frames or have frames disabled.
12. An HTML from provides data gathering functionality to a
Web page.
13. Forms allows to enhance the interaction of a web page
by increasing the ability to request information from users.
14. HTML forms has built –in facility to automatically
Submit data collected in its controls to a Web server.
15. A form is created using the begin and end from tags
. All the GUI controls to accept
inputs are placed inside these two tags.
16. The ACTION attribute specifies the location (URL ) of
The server and of the CGI program that will process the form.
17. The METHOD attribute indicates the method used by the
Web server to receive the form. The possible values are POST and GET.
18. The TEXTAREA tag is used within the form to accept
Multiple lines of text with the help of textbox control.
19. The INPUT tag creates a single – line input control and
The TEXTAREA tag creates a multi –line input control.
20. A number of input controls can be created using the
INPUT tag by modifying its TYPE attribute like text,
Password, checkbox ,radio button, reset and submit buttons.
21. RESET is a modified form of INPUT tag that simply
Creates a push button is used clear all the data entered
In a form.
22. SUBMIT button automatically submit the data that has
Entered in the form to the Web server for processing.
23. The tag is used to create different types of
Popup and scrolling menus.
24. The tag is used to give a caption to controls
Used in a form. The LABEL element associates a label
With a form control.
1. XYZ Co. wants to create an E-Commerce website. The purpose is to display and list the particulars of product and price.
(a) What are your suggestions to the company?
(b) Demonstrate your suggestions by preparing a sample webpage.
2. < , and tags are used for designing HTML documents.
(a) Is it possible to create tables without borders.
(b) Describe the use of TABLE tag.
(c) Specify the need of FRAMESET and FRAME tags.
3. You know that TABLE tag is used for arranging data in a
Tabular form. Write the syntax of HTML tables.
4. Your class teacher asked you to prepare HTML page showing the students name and marks of all subjects of your class. Demonstrate this to your class teacher by creating an HTML document with details of two students
5. While visiting a website you noted that the current webpage is divided into three portions in the same browser. All three
portions has different HTML document loaded to it.
(a) According to your knowledge what is this features.
(b) Which tag is used for splitting the browser window?
(c) Specify the tag used for loading different HTML document
(d) Discuss any two attributes of question(b)
6. You know that tag is used for splitting the
Browser window.
(a) Identify the attribute used for giving 3D border to frames.
(b) Write HTML code for giving 3D border.
(c) Write HTML code to create three frames of equal size.
7. Read the HTML code given below and answer the
Following questions.
(a) What does this code means?
(b) Visualize this in a browser.
8. tag used for loading different HTML documents to the frames.
(a) List any two attributes of tag.
(b) Discuss these attributes in detail.
(c) What is tag?
9. Go through the webpage given in questions 9 and th
Answer the following questions
(a) According to your version list the important tags used.
(b) Explain the tags and its attributes in detail.
10. Read the HTML code given below and answer the
Following question.
(a) What is meant by nesting of frames?
(b) Explain this code.
11. Read the HTML code given below and answer the following question
(a) Differentiate between cell spacing and cell padding.
(b) Briefly describe three attributes of tag other than cell spacing, cell padding and border.
12. Your friend Anita is designing an HTML document with
Table as its content.
(a) Give suggestions to make table more attractive.
(b) Support your suggestion using relevant codes.
13. If you specify RED to the bicolor attribute of tag then, the entire table will be given the co lour RED.
(a) where will you change the co lour of a specific cell?
(b) Write necessary code to demonstrate the answer to question a.
14. The cell contents of three tag is always bold.
(a) Is this statement true? Give reason.
What is the need for “colspon” and “roping”?
15. Forms facilities interactive webpage.
(a) Discuss this statement and comment.
(b) Explain various