computer application questions and asnswers part 2



1. Table serves as a convenient way to organize elements on
the page without making them appear within the page without the confines of an actual table.


begins a table definition and
ends .
Tables are created without borders, that is the horizontal
And vertical lines separating the cells will not appear by default.
3. and are used to create a row of the table.
4. The table data tags and are used to specify the contents of a cell.
5. and are used to create cells in the same way
as the table data tags, except that the text in the cells will
be bold and centered
6. The caption tags and tags allows for the creation of a caption for a table.
7. Frames divides browser window into smaller, separately
Scrollable windows each capable of displaying a different
.HTML page.

8. Creation of frames in a browser window is done in two steps:

1. Splitting the browser window into frames using

2. Loading frames with different HTML documents
Using tag.

9. The browser window is split into frames using a container
Tag tag.

10. is an empty tag which accept the name of the
HTML ,document to be displayed in a frame.

11. tag is typically used in a Frameset <br /> document to provide alternate content for browsers that do not support frames or have frames disabled.<br /> 12. An HTML from provides data gathering functionality to a <br /> Web page.<br /> <br /> 13. Forms allows to enhance the interaction of a web page <br /> by increasing the ability to request information from users.<br /> 14. HTML forms has built &#8211;in facility to automatically <br /> Submit data collected in its controls to a Web server.<br /> <br /> 15. A form is created using the begin and end from tags<br /> <FORM>and </FORM>. All the GUI controls to accept <br /> inputs are placed inside these two tags.<br /> 16. The ACTION attribute specifies the location (URL ) of <br /> The server and of the CGI program that will process the form.<br /> 17. The METHOD attribute indicates the method used by the <br /> Web server to receive the form. The possible values are POST and GET.<br /> <br /> 18. The TEXTAREA tag is used within the form to accept <br /> Multiple lines of text with the help of textbox control.<br /> 19. The INPUT tag creates a single &#8211; line input control and <br /> The TEXTAREA tag creates a multi &#8211;line input control.<br /> 20. A number of input controls can be created using the <br /> INPUT tag by modifying its TYPE attribute like text,<br /> Password, checkbox ,radio button, reset and submit buttons.<br /> 21. RESET is a modified form of INPUT tag that simply <br /> Creates a push button is used clear all the data entered<br /> In a form.<br /> 22. SUBMIT button automatically submit the data that has<br /> Entered in the form to the Web server for processing. <br /> 23. The <SELECT> tag is used to create different types of <br /> Popup and scrolling menus.<br /> 24. The <LABEL> tag is used to give a caption to controls <br /> Used in a form. The LABEL element associates a label<br /> With a form control.<br /> <br /> EVALUATION ACTIVITIES<br /> 1. XYZ Co. wants to create an E-Commerce website. The purpose is to display and list the particulars of product and price.<br /> (a) What are your suggestions to the company?<br /> (b) Demonstrate your suggestions by preparing a sample webpage.<br /> 2. <TABLE>< <FRAMESET>, and <FRAME> tags are used for designing HTML documents. (a) Is it possible to create tables without borders. (b) Describe the use of TABLE tag. (c) Specify the need of FRAMESET and FRAME tags. 3. You know that TABLE tag is used for arranging data in a Tabular form. Write the syntax of HTML tables. 4. Your class teacher asked you to prepare HTML page showing the students name and marks of all subjects of your class. Demonstrate this to your class teacher by creating an HTML document with details of two students 5. While visiting a website you noted that the current webpage is divided into three portions in the same browser. All three portions has different HTML document loaded to it. (a) According to your knowledge what is this features. (b) Which tag is used for splitting the browser window? (c) Specify the tag used for loading different HTML document (d) Discuss any two attributes of question(b) 6. You know that <FRAMESET> tag is used for splitting the Browser window. (a) Identify the attribute used for giving 3D border to frames. (b) Write HTML code for giving 3D border. (c) Write HTML code to create three frames of equal size. 7. Read the HTML code given below and answer the Following questions. <FRAMESET cols= *, *, * frame border=1> </FRAMESET> (a) What does this code means? (b) Visualize this in a browser. 8. <FRAME> tag used for loading different HTML documents to the frames. (a) List any two attributes of <FRAME> tag. (b) Discuss these attributes in detail. (c) What is <NOFRAME> tag? 9. Go through the webpage given in questions 9 and th Answer the following questions (a) According to your version list the important tags used. (b) Explain the tags and its attributes in detail. 10. Read the HTML code given below and answer the Following question. <FRAMESET rows = 50, 50 > <FRAMESET cols =50, 50 > <FRAMESET src =&#8221; A. HTM&#8221; > <FRAMESET src = &#8220;B. HTM&#8221; > <FRAME > <FRAME src =&#8221; C. HTM&#8221; > </FRAMESET > (a) What is meant by nesting of frames? (b) Explain this code. 11. Read the HTML code given below and answer the following question <TABLE border = 1cell spacing =2 cell padding=4>(a) Differentiate between cell spacing and cell padding. (b) Briefly describe three attributes of <TABLE>tag other than cell spacing, cell padding and border. . 12. Your friend Anita is designing an HTML document with Table as its content. (a) Give suggestions to make table more attractive. (b) Support your suggestion using relevant codes. 13. If you specify RED to the bicolor attribute of <TABLE>tag then, the entire table will be given the co lour RED. (a) where will you change the co lour of a specific cell? (b) Write necessary code to demonstrate the answer to question a. 14. The cell contents of three <TH> tag is always bold.<br /> (a) Is this statement true? Give reason.<br /> What is the need for &#8220;colspon&#8221; and &#8220;roping&#8221;?<br /> 15. Forms facilities interactive webpage.<br /> (a) Discuss this statement and comment.<br /> (b) Explain various <FORM>tag attributes.<br /> &#169; Is it possible to a control placed in a form using white spaces why?<br /> 16. you are asked to create an HTML form that allows you to enter your personal details into a webpage.<br /> <br /> (a) Write HTML code for creating the document. The form must <br /> Accept all your personal <br /> 17. A number of input controls can be created using <INPUT>tag.<br /> (a) List the different controls that can be created using this tag.<br /> (b) Which attribute is used for this purpose?<br /> &#169; Write HTML code for creating any two controls (all attributes required)<br /> <br /> 18.<TEXTAREA> and <LABEL>are tags used for designing HTML for<br /> (a) Specify the use of these tags.<br /> (b) Discuss various attributers of tags.<br /> 19.Go through the following webpage and answer the following questions.<br /> (a) Illustrate the features used for designing this page.<br /> (b) Write HTML code for the above figure.<br /> 20. The HTML form supports the popup and scrolling menus.<br /> (a) How they are created in HTML document.<br /> (b) Discuss various attribute of the above mentioned tag.<br /> cWrite simple HTML code to support the answer of question<br /> 21 Go through the following webpage and write HTML code to <br /> create such a webpage.<br /> 22. <INPUT> tag playa an important role in designing HTML forms by providing facilities for creating many input controls.<br /> (a)Specify the need for SUBMIT and RESET buttons<br /> (b) Explain how they are created.<br /> <br /> <br /> 23. <INPUT> tag plays an important role in designing HTML forms by providing facilities for creating many input controls.<br /> (a) Specify the need for CHECKBOX and RADIOBUTTON<br /> (b) Explain how RADIOBUTTON is created <br /> (c) Differentiate between CHECKBOX and RADIOBUTTON.<br /> <br /> CHAPTER 8 ADVANCED TOOLS FOR WEB DESIGN<br /> <br /> KEY POINTS<br /> 1. Perl (practical Extraction Repot Language) is scripting language which exact information from text file and then uses that information to prepare report <br /> 2. A scripting language is light weight programming language.<br /> Scri`pting language are interpreted <br /> 3. Java Script is an example of a popular scripting language <br /> 4. Style sheets are f ile that store style definition used in a webpage.<br /> 5. Object oriented programming (OOP) is concepts that allow creating reusable.<br /> 6. VBScript is a scripting language which is a light version of Microsoft&#8217;s programming language visual basic.<br /> 7. VB Script is support only by the Microsoft internet explorer browser. Java Script on the other hand is supported by most browsers.<br /> 8. Active Server Pages-ASP is a method for delivering dynamic content in a webpage. ASP technology allow to mix HTMLand code their by giving decision capabili<br /> 9. y to a webpage.<br /> 10. VBScripr is the default scripting language used in ASP.<br /> 11. JSP provides excellent server side scripting support for <br /> 12. creating database driven web application<br /> Edumate questions<br /> Edumate questions<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ADVANCED TOOLS FOR WEB DESIGN<br /> <br /> <br /> Q.1 Which of the following may be consider as dynamic page.<br /> 1. Page with an image<br /> 2. Page with hyperlink<br /> 3. Page with a background color<br /> 4. Response page for a google search<br /> Ans(d) Response page for google search. <br /> Q.2 Name a Net language which is used in web programming.<br /> Ans:C#<br /> <br /> Q.3. .Raju is trying to order a digital camera through an e-Commerce site. In the order form, on selecting the product name, corresponding product code is automatically filled up. Name the advanced web tool to implement this facility. Write its characteristics<br /> or <br /> Akhil is trying to create an e-mail ID through a web portal. On selecting the country, the names of states of the corresponding country gets filled up against the state List box..<br /> (a) Name the technology behind this.<br /> (b) Mention the characteristics.<br /> Ans: (a) We can use any scripts language like Javascript<br /> <br /> <br /> Characteristics<br /> <br /> 1. Java script Adds interactivity to HTML pages<br /> 2. It gives facility to include programming in HTML documents<br /> 3. Using it we can perform various functions like decision making, accessing data, answering users query etc.<br /> 4. It can be used for collecting and storing user information.<br /> <br /> Q.4. The higher secondary examination result of your school is available on your school website. On entering the Reg. no the result of that particular student displayed as a webpage. Disuse any two technologies in addition to HTML required to implement this website.<br /> Ans; We can use ASP/JSP/PERL<br /> 1. ASP stands for Active Server page<br /> 2. These are web pages that are embedded with dynamic contents.<br /> 3. In ASP the script component execute in server and the effect will be send back to client machine. The result will be displayed in the user window using HTML tag sent by server.<br /> 4 Real time communication exists between the client and server<br /> 5. ASP application are small and can be modified without affecting server function.<br /> JSP<br /> 1 JSP stands for Java server page<br /> 2 JSP are web pages that contain server side scripts<br /> 3 It allows web designers easy to develop and manufacture dynamic web pages.<br /> Additional questions <br /> 1 Score<br /> 1. Name the Java program that execute from a web page.<br /> Ans: Applet <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 2. Write the name of a server scripting technology.<br /> Ans: JSP (Java server page) OR ASP (Active server page)<br /> 3. From the list given below select the most important feature of DHML<br /> (a) Create Table<br /> (b) Set back ground colour<br /> &#169; Displays a form<br /> (d). (Show animation<br /> Ans: Show animation<br /> <br /> <br /> 4. Modules of Java code that run in server machine to serve the client request is&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;..<br /> Ans: Servelt<br /> 5. What is the programming language to develop<br /> . NET application<br /> Ans: C# is the language to develop .NET application. Using C# we can develop powerful stand alone application.<br /> 6. &#8230;&#8230;&#8230; is the most common language for writing CGI script<br /> Ans: PERL<br /> 7. The program embedded in HTML pages are&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;.<br /> Ans: Scripts<br /> 8. &#8230;&#8230;.is an OOP that is used to develop application for Net platform<br /> Ans; C#<br /> <br /> (2 Scores)<br /> Differentiate between HTML and DHTML<br /> <br /> Ans: HTML means hyper text Markup language. It is the basic tool for webpage design. Using HTML we can design only static webpage.<br /> DHTML means Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language. It builds up on existing HTML tags and mix it with VB script or Java Script. DHTML makes Web presentation dynamic and interactive.<br /> Q. Give the advantages of byte code over machine code.<br /> Ans: Java programs are not directly complied to machine code. <br /> They are complied to an intermediate code called byte code.<br /> This byte code is interpreted by another program called Java Virtual Machine (JVM. Byte code can run on any computer in which the JVM is present. JVM makes the Java language to be platform independent. Any computer system Give with JVM insytalled can run the java program regardless of the operating system.<br /> 2. Write two important application of XML in web development<br /> Ans; XML allows us to define new tags. We can define our own tags.<br /> (ii) Business Partner use XML to exchange data with each o other in new and easier way.<br /> (iii) E-business related information such as pricing<br /> inventory and transactions are represented in XML and transferred overinternet.<br /> (iii) XML provides the basic for a wide variety of industry and specified language such as MathXML, ebXML, VXML etc.<br /> 3. The result of Drew of Kerala State Lotteries is available on website, on entering the ticket number the detailed result of particular ticket is displayed on web page.<br /> Name any two web tools other than HTML required to develop such web site.<br /> Ans: DHML, VB Script, ASP etc.<br /> 1. Write the significance of server side scripting in website development<br /> Ans: The script that are executed by the server are called server scripts. In server side scripting, the script codes are interpreted by the web server and return its result to respective web client. Here the script components executed in the server and the effect will be sent back to client machine. The result will be displayed in the browser window using HTML tags sent by server. For server side script we can use ASP or JSp.<br /> 2. Write any three uses of client side scripting on a web page.<br /> Ans: The script that can be excused by the browser are calledclent scripts. The browser reads the script and check for errors and run the <br /> Scripts. It can be used to validating user input,communicate to user and check while browser does a particular user is running.<br /> 3. Vivek a web designer got an assignment to develop a web document for multinational company which work on any type of operating environment. In addition to the conventional tools he needs to select either VB script or java script. In your opinion which amoung the above tools will be selected by Vivek. Justify your selection by listing down he feature comparing with the others.<br /> Ans: Java Script. It is platform independent and can work on any operating system.<br /> 1. Java Script Adds interactivity to HTML pages.<br /> 2. It gives facility to include programming in HTML Pages.<br /> 3. Using it we can perform various functions like decision making, accessing data, answering users query etc.<br /> 4. It can be used for collecting and storing user information.<br /> 5. List any three advantages of ASP<br /> 1. ASP stands for active server psge..<br /> 2. These are web pages that are embedded with dynamic contents<br /> 3. In ASP the script componet excute in server and effect will be sent back to client machine. The result will be displayed in the user window using HTML tag sent by server <br /> <br /> <br /> &#8220;Day by day the need of the web and its applications are growing up. So programmers need more web tools for complete solution&#8221;. Comment on this statement by explaining 5 advannced tools<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Ans: 1. DHTML<br /> DHTML means Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language. It builds upon existing HTML tags and mix it with VB script or JavaScipt DHML makes Web presentation dynamic and interactive.<br /> 2. XML<br /> XML means Extensible Makrkup Language. It allows to define tag. The XML tag can be used as any other HTML tag. Business partners use XML to exchange data with other in a new and easier way.<br /> 3Java Script <br /> It is scripting lauguage. It is embedded in HTML pages.<br /> It gives a facility to include programming in HTML document. It makes a page interactive.<br /> <br /> 4. VB Script <br /> VB script is also Scripting language. It is simple Visual Basic Programs embedded in HTML pages. VB script makes the web page active. It is especially useful for handling forms. It is not platform independent. Using Java Script we can perform various functions like decision making, accessing data answering Queries etc.<br /> 4. PERL<br /> PERL means Practical Extraction and Report language. It is used for writing CGI scripts. It is helpful for system management and system administration task. It is used for programming W W W electronic forms. It act as a gata way between system database and users.. <br /> 5. CGI<br /> CGI means Common Gate Way interface. It is a collection of protocols that allow web clients to excute programs on a web server and receive their output.<br /> 6. JSP<br /> JSP means Java Server Pages. JSP&#8217;s are webpages that contain Server Side Scripts. JSP allows easy developing and maintaing of dynamic pages. JSP provided web based application that are platform independent.<br /> 7. ASP<br /> ASP stands for Active Server Pages. ASP&#8217;s are web pages that are embedded with dynamic contents. It is used for server side scripts. The Real time communication exists between the client and Server during the execution of ASP code. Both VB script and Java Script can be used as script component of an ASP file.<br /> 8. Java<br /> Java is platform independent object oriented programming language. It is used to create program that excute from W W W pages. It can be used to develop all kinds of programs <br /> <br /> <br /> 13. HTML is used to represent data while XML is designed to store and exchange data between applications.<br /> 14. DHTML is a combination of technologies like Scripting,CSS and DOM resulting in a Dynamic HTML page.<br /> 15. Serviettes are programs in Java that run on a web server and built web pages dynamically.<br /> 16. C# is the latest programming language developed by Microsoft for the NET platform.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> REVIEW QUESTIONS<br /> <br /> 1. Name two web design tools.<br /> 2. What is DHTML?<br /> 3. What is the difference between HTML and XML?<br /> 4. What is a style sheet?<br /> 5. What is PERL?<br /> 6. What is CGI?<br /> 7. What are scripting languages?<br /> 8. Give two uses of scripts.<br /> 9. What is a applet?<br /> 10. Give two important features of a Java Programming Language.<br /> 11. What is JVM?<br /> 12. What are byte codes?<br /> 13. What is NET?<br /> 14. Briefly explain Active Server Pages technology<br /> 15. Write brief notes on a Java Script and VBScript.<br /> 16. What&#8217;s XML? How is it different from HTML?<br /> 17. Briefly explain CGI andPERL<br /> 18. Write a short note on C#<br /> 19. 19. How does java Language become platform-independent?<br /> 20. 20. Explain any four advanced tools for web design?<br /> 21. Explain features of Java an C# programming languages.<br /> 22. Explain JSP in the context of web application development. <br /> <br /> <br /> .<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> (b) <br /> <br /> <br /> 15. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 5. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> The<table>tag The<table>tag is used to define and to create a table in HTML. It is a container tag which contains an opening tag and a closing tag. The <table>and </table>tags must surround the entire table definition. The <table>has several attributes. All the table attributes are optional. Syntax: <table Align=&#8221;Left/Center/right&#8221; Border=&#8221;value&#8221; Border color=&#8221;color&#8221; Width =&#8221;value&#8221; Height=&#8221;Value&#8221; Bgcolor= &#8220;color&#8221; Cell spacing= &#8220;value&#8221; Frame= &#8220;frame type&#8221;> &#8230;&#8230;&#8230;. </table>Attributes of TABLE Tag Attribute Description Border Border color Height Width Cell spacing Cell padding Bgcolor Align Frame Background Creates a thin line around all cells. The width of the border lines can be specified as a value in pixels. If specified without any value, a thin line is created a round all cells. The value 0 is equivalent to having no border. The larger the value specified the thicker will be the border. Assigns a color to the border in hexadecimal triplets or codes. By default a table will be as long as the height of the entries in its cells. An exact height can be specified here either in pixels or as a percentage of the browser&#8217;s window. By default a table will be as wide as the longest entries in its cells. An exact width can be specified here either in pixels or as a percentage of the browser&#8217;s window. Cell spacing means the space between the cell border and table frame. This space can be adjusted in pixels. Cell padding is the space between the cell border and table frame. This space can be adjusted in pixels. Background color can assigned a color using color codes. Aligns the table with respect to other document elements Frame specifies with sides of the table&#8217;s outer border are visible in the browser window. Normally all the four sides of the table will have a border. Using the frame attribute we can control display of these borders. An image can be specified as a background of a table. The filename of the desired image should be specified here. The specified image is tiled to fill the background of the table. <TR> tag (Table row tag) The <TR> tag is used to specify row within a table and is placed inside the <table>tag. The TR element contains both cell data and cell headers. The <TR> tag is container tag but the closing tag is optional. If table contain 3 rows th Attributes of Table Data &#8211;TD tag Attributes Description Align Valign Width Bgcolor background Positions the text horizontally in all cells in a row. It may take on the values Left, Center, left is the default horizonal alignment. .Positions the values Top, Middle, Bottom and Baseline. Middle is the default vertical alignment. Specifies the width of a cell in pixles on as a percentage relative to the table width. Specifies a background color for a single cell using color codes. An image can be set as a background of an individual cell. The filename of image file is specified here. Rows pan Indicates the number of rows a cell should occupy. Cols pan Indicates the number of columns a cell should occupy. Attributes of <FRAMESET> Tag Attributes Description Rows Cols Frame border This attribute is used to divide the screen Into multiple rows. It can be set equalt of values depending on the required size of each row. The values can be: 1. Absolute number of pixels 2. Percentage relative to browser window 3. Suggest that a particular row should take up the rest of the page.(* ) This attribute is used to divide the screen into multiple columns. It can be set equal to a list of values depending on the required size of each column. The values can be; 1. Absolute number of pixels 2. Percentage relative to browser window 3. Suggest that a particular column should take up the rest of the page. Takes two values,1 or 0. The value 1 activates display of a 3D border, The value 0 omits the border. Attributes of <FRAME> Tag Attributes Description Src Scrolling Name Noresize Marginwidth Margin height Specifies the name of the file to be loaded into a frame. Enables the web page displayed to be scrolled and viewed completely by controlling the appearance of horizontal and vertical scrollbars in a frame. This takes the values YES, NO, AUTO. Gives the frame a unique name so that it cab be referenced by other documents. The name given must begin with an alpha numeric character. Disables the frames resizing capability. Normally the frames displayed in a window can be resized. Specifies the amount of white space to be left along the sides of the frame. Specifies the amount of white space to be left at the top and bottom of the frame. Attributes of Table Row &#8211;TR Tag Attributes Description Align Valign Bgcolor Position the text horizontally in all cells in a row. It may take on the values Left, Center, Right. Left is the default horizontal alignment. Positions the vertically in all cells in row. It may take on the values Top, Middle, Bottom and Baseline. Middle is the default vertical alignment. Specifies a background colour for all the cells in a row using colour codes Page No.216 <TR> tag (Table row tag) Syntax: <tr Align =&#8221;Left/Right/Center&#8221; Bgcolor= &#8220;Color&#8221; Valign=&#8221;Align-type&#8221;> <tr> <th> tag (Table heading)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Syntax:<br /> <th Align=&#8221;left/center/right&#8221; Bgcolor =&#8221;color&#8221; Background =&#8221;rename&#8221; Row span =&#8221;value&#8221; Cols pan =&#8221;value&#8221; Valign =align-type><br /> Heading of column or row.<br /> <th><br /> <caption> t<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <caption> tag<br /> <br /> Syntax:<br /> <caption align= &#8220;Top/Bottom&#8221;/ Caption of the table </caprion><br /> <br /> <td> tag (table data)<br /> Syntax:<br /> <td Align=&#8221;left/right/center&#8221; Bgcolor=&#8221;color&#8221; Width=&#8221;value&#8221; Background=&#8221;filename&#8221; Row span=&#8221;value&#8221; Col span=&#8221;value&#8221; Valign=&#8221;align-type&#8221;><br /> Data in the cell<br /> </td><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <frameset> tag<br /> Syntax:<br /> <frameset Cols =&#8221;cols-width&#8221; Rows =&#8221;row-height&#8221; Frameborder =&#8221;1/0 Framespacing=&#8221;spacing&#8221; ><br /> &#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;<br /> Frame elements&#8230;.<br /> </frameset><br /> <br /> <br /> <frame> tag<br /> Syntax:<br /> <frame Src =&#8221;File name&#8221; Name =&#8221;name&#8221; Scrolling =&#8221;yes/no&#8221; Margin height =&#8221;height&#8221; Margin width =&#8221;width&#8221; Noresize><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Attributes of <FORM>Tag<br /> Attributes Description<br /> Action<br /> <br /> <br /> Method Specifies the lacation (URL) of the server and of the CGI program that will process the form.<br /> <br /> Indicates the method used by the web server to receive the form. The possible values are POST and GET<br /> The GET method appends the form data along with the specified URL with a ? as separator. This new URL is send for processing<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Attributes of <INPUT> Tag<br /> Attributes Description<br /> Type<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Name<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Value<br /> <br /> <br /> Size Specifies the type not the control that the input tag represents. It indicates the data type of value in that control. The values of Type attribute can be Text, <br /> Password, Checkbox, Radio, Submit Resert.<br /> Gives a variable name to the control to receive the content of the control which can be used later for referencing.<br /> Provides default data for a control. It varies on the type attribute of the control<br /> <br /> Specifies the number of characters the control can <br /> Hold.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Attributes of <SELECT> Tag<br /> Attributes Description<br /> Name<br /> <br /> <br /> Size<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Option Specifies the name of the variable used to receive the content of the control.<br /> <br /> This optional parameter is used to specify the number of items that will be displayed at a time by the list. Each item occupies one line on the screen.<br /> <br /> Specifies the next for each item on the list.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> KEY POINTS<br /> <br /> <br /> 1. Table serves as a convenient way to organize elements on the page without making them appear within the confines of an <br /> Actual table.<br /> <br /> 2. <TABLE>begins a table definition and </TABLE ends it. Tables are created without borders, that is the horizonal and vertical lines separating the cells will not appear by default. 3. <TR>and </TR> are used to create a row of the table<br /> 4. The table data tags <TD> and </TD> are used to specify the contents of a cell.<br /> 5. <TH> and <?TH> are used to create cells in the same way as the table data tags, except that the text in the cells will be bold and centered.<br /> 6. The caption tags<CAPTION> and </CAPTION> tags allows for the creation of a caption for a table.<br /> 7. Frames divides browser window into smaller, separately scrollable windows each capable of displaying a different HTML page.<br /> 8. Creation of frames in a browser window is done in two steps:<br /> 1. Splitting the browser window into frames using <FRAMESET><br /> 2. Loading frames with different HTML documents using <FRAME> tag.<br /> 9. The browser window is split into frames using a container tag<br /> <FRAMESET> tag.<br /> 10. <FRAME> is an empty tag which accept the name of the HTML <br /> documents to be displayed in a frame.<br /> 11. <NOFRAMES> tag is typically used in a Frameset document to <br /> provide alternate content for browsers that do not support frames or have frames disabled.<br /> 12. An HTML form provides data gathering functionally to a Web <br /> Page.<br /> 13. Forms allows to enhance the interaction of a web page by <br /> Increasing the ability to request information from users.<br /> 14. HTML forms has built-in facility to automatically submit data <br /> Collected in its controls to the Web server.<br /> 15. A form is created using the begin and end form tags <FORM></FORM>. All the GUI controls to accept inputs are placed<br /> inside these two tags.<br /> 16. The ACTION attribute specifies the location (URL) of the server and the CGI program will process the form.<br /> 17. The METHOD attribute indicates the method used by the web server to receive the form. The possible values are POST and GET.<br /> 18. The TEXTAREA tag is used within the form to accept multiple lines of text with the help of textbox control.<br /> 19. The INPUT tag creates a single-line input control abd the TEXTAREA tag creates a multi-line input control.<br /> 20. A number of input controls can be created using the INPUT tag by modifying its TYPE attribute like text password checkbox, radiobutton, reset and submit buttons.<br /> 21. RESET is a modified form of INPUT tag that simply creates a push button is used cler all the data entered in a form.<br /> 22. SUBMIT button automatically submits the data that has been entered in the form to the Web server for processing.<br /> 23. The <SELECT> tag is used to create different types of pop up and scrolling menus.<br /> 24. The <LABEL> tag is used to give a caption to controls used in a form. The LABEL element associates a label with a form control<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> EXCEL<br /> Plus Two Series<br /> <br /> COMPUTER APPLICATION II<br /> J. S. SAINI<br /> <br /> Tips to Remember<br /> 1. The tags used for creating a table are <TABLE>, <TR>, <TH> and <TD>.<br /> 2. The tags <TR> and </TR are used to define the rows in the table. 3. You can define two types of cells in a table- header cells and data Cells. 4. The header cells are defined with <TH>and </ tags. 5. The data cells are defined by the <TD> and </TD> tags.<br /> 6. We can provide a caption to the table by writing its value between <CAPTION> and </CAPTION> tags.<br /> 7. Attributes associated with <TR> are VALIGN, ALIGN< BGCOLOR, BORDERCOLOR 8. Attributes associated with <TH> are COLSPAN,NOWRAP,<br /> ROWSPAN, ALIGN, VALIGN, BACKGROUND, BGCOLOR,<br /> BORDERCOLOR.<br /> 9. Attributes associated with <TD> ALIGN, BACKGROUND, <br /> BGCOLOR, BORDERCOLOR, COLSPAN, NOWRAPROWSPAN, VALIGN.<br /> 10. FORMS allow the user to interact with your site. This facility<br /> Helps you to collect information from users, to take online orders from customers or to take entries for an online Contest and respond to the user automatically to indicate that the entry was<br /> received.<br /> 11. <Input> tag is used to create a text box control in the form.<br /> 12. You can specify various types of buttons in the TYPE attribute of the <INPUT> tag.<br /> 13. You can create radio buttons by specifying the TYPE as &#8220;radio<br /> The <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> </p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author'> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> </span> <span class='post-backlinks post-comment-link'> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-182731109'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <span class='quick-edit-icon'>&#160;</span> </a> </span> </span> </p> <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>questions</a> </span> </p> <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'></p> </div> </div> <div class='comments' id='comments'> <a name='comments'></a> <h4> 0 comments: </h4> <dl id='comments-block'> </dl> <p class='comment-footer'> <div class='comment-form'> <a name='comment-form'></a> <h4 id='comment-post-message'>Post a Comment</h4> <p> </p> <a href='' id='comment-editor-src'></a> <iframe allowtransparency='true' class='blogger-iframe-colorize blogger-comment-from-post' frameborder='0' height='410px' id='comment-editor' name='comment-editor' src='' width='100%'></iframe> <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script> <script type='text/javascript'> BLOG_CMT_createIframe(''); 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